I’ll play Musical Russian Roulette...
12 months ago to this day I sat on a bus on the way to a gig
and had the idea to celebrate my 50th year by going to 50 gigs. Its now 3rd March 2016, I turn 50
in a matter of three or four hours, and I find myself once again on a bus, this time heading
to gig #50 – a late night session at the Royal Albert Hall! To mark this
momentous moment I’ve decided on something a little leftfield (for me) - if
you’ve read my blog of gig #42 ‘So long and thanks for all that Jazz’
you’ll understand I’m not a great Jazz fan. However, this gig appeals because
it takes me right up to the birthday deadline (and anyone who knows me, knows I work right up to deadlines!). Its also a grand setting to
spend my last few hours of being 49! I am really excited about this last gig as
I am completing the challenge I set myself 356 days earlier and I feel a sense
of pride.
Tonight is the 50th gig in the 29th
different venue, and Gwyneth Herbert, whom I’m heading to
see and know nothing about, is artist 101! I trust this will not be an
Orwellian experience! I don’t know what to expect and it could be a wonderful
evening or a total disaster, but listening to new music always excites me.
Often in a CD shop I’ll play Musical Russian Roulette and buy a safe CD, a CD
by an artist I know or have heard about, and then purchase a wild card. Those
wild cards have been some of the best (and I have to say the worst) music I
have bought! The feeling of discovering a great album by chance is hard to
The gig isn’t in the main auditorium – Cirque du Soleil are
entertaining the masses in there – rather, it is in an ancillary room. As I
walk in on the last minute - right up to the deadline again - I realise I am
struggling to find a seat at a table. Eventually I find one in the corner and
squeeze in. As the gigs starts it soon becomes obvious that although this is
relatively late night – as billed - it is not exactly jazz. To me, this feels
more like progressive folk. Rewind a year to blog #1 ‘It’s Not My Birthday Yet’
and I mused about Progressive Folk as I genre I’d like to see. One year on and
I am finally experiencing it live, albeit unexpectedly!
I am struggling. I so want this to be a fantastic last gig.
Musically I like what I am hearing, but if I’m honest, I’m put off by what feels
to me like the over bubbly personality of Gwyneth herself. I can’t decide whether
she is naturally like this, or if this is nerves or some kind of stage persona
she believes is infectious!
Happy 50th gig and birthday...
As the gig continues there are some fantastic songs and I
get much more used to her introductions. A couple of beautiful songs start the
second set that leave me wanting to hear them again and again. I’m not sure
what has won me over - the great songs, the celebratory glass or two of
birthday wine or the gradual calming of her persona as she relaxed into the gig.
As the gig finishes with her strolling round the tables
strumming her ukulele, she has totally won me over and I am very glad that I
chose this as my 50th gig to end my 50th year. So I head
to the merch. stall and buy her latest CD (with the two aforementioned songs on)
and start a conversation with the artist herself. I tell her about my 50/50
challenge. I mention that this is the ultimate gig and that in 15 minutes I
will in fact be 50. Spontaneously, she picks up her ukulele and sings ‘Happy
Birthday’ to me and signs my CD with Happy 50th gig and birthday!
It’s a lovely touch to a wonderful last gig and a brilliant challenge!
I turn 50 at a bus stop outside the Royal Albert Hall!
The Good, the Bad and the
On the bus on the way home I start to try and answer the
questions family and friends have asked during this year – ‘Best Gig?’, ‘Worst
Gig?’, ‘Best Moment? You get the idea. So here goes the Good, the Bad and the
Ugly of my 50/50 Challenge.
Blog #3: ‘The Boys are Back in Time’
Having to queue for the urinals at Black Star Riders Gig (and then staying to listen to Europe).
Blog #3: ‘The Boys are Back in Time’
Having to queue for the urinals at Black Star Riders Gig (and then staying to listen to Europe).
Blog #4: ‘The Siegal has Landed’
A master class in guitar playing from Dusty Ciggaar (real name - real talent - check him out).
Blog #4: ‘The Siegal has Landed’
A master class in guitar playing from Dusty Ciggaar (real name - real talent - check him out).
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The Siegal has landed - Ian Seigal @ The Jazz Cafe - 28/3/15 |
Blog #5: ‘Catfish Lost His Bottle Man’
I might have well listened to their CD on shuffle (in reality that’s what I did) and the crowd thought this was the height of gig going and live music! DISAPPOINTED.
Blog #5: ‘Catfish Lost His Bottle Man’
I might have well listened to their CD on shuffle (in reality that’s what I did) and the crowd thought this was the height of gig going and live music! DISAPPOINTED.
Blog #6: ‘I Ain’t Ever Heard No Horse Sing…’
Guy Garvey and the MacColls rendition of ‘The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face’- you had to be there or at least listen on the radio...
Blog #6: ‘I Ain’t Ever Heard No Horse Sing…’
Guy Garvey and the MacColls rendition of ‘The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face’- you had to be there or at least listen on the radio...
Blog #6: ‘I Ain’t Ever Heard No Horse Sing…’
Hearing an audience member use the phrase ‘Simply divine, darling’ as she drank Champagne at the Folk Awards! Give me earthy folk (music and people) in spit and sawdust pubs any day of the week over the bubbly swigging awards crowd.
Blog #6: ‘I Ain’t Ever Heard No Horse Sing…’
Hearing an audience member use the phrase ‘Simply divine, darling’ as she drank Champagne at the Folk Awards! Give me earthy folk (music and people) in spit and sawdust pubs any day of the week over the bubbly swigging awards crowd.
Blog #7: ‘The Curse of the Blues Guitarist’s Face’
Faces pulled by Dan Patlansky during solos - thankfully his guitar playing is beautiful!
Blog #7: ‘The Curse of the Blues Guitarist’s Face’
Faces pulled by Dan Patlansky during solos - thankfully his guitar playing is beautiful!
Blog #9: 'A Different Kind of Gig’
People not returning for the second half of Melkit’s Gig.
Blog #9: 'A Different Kind of Gig’
People not returning for the second half of Melkit’s Gig.
Blog #11: ‘Musical Chairs’,
Every visit to the wonderfully intimate Green Note.
Blog #11: ‘Musical Chairs’,
Every visit to the wonderfully intimate Green Note.
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Standing watching from the wings - Hannah Sanders @ The Green Note - 21/5/15 |
Blog #11: ‘Musical Chairs’,
Never getting a seat at the wonderfully intimate Green Note!
Blog #11: ‘Musical Chairs’,
Never getting a seat at the wonderfully intimate Green Note!
Blog #12: ‘Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad’
Rory Butler – superb support act - best support of the fifty.
Blog #12: ‘Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad’
Rory Butler – superb support act - best support of the fifty.
Blog #12: ‘Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad’
Peter Bibby – not a great support act - worst support of the fifty.
Blog #12: ‘Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad’
Peter Bibby – not a great support act - worst support of the fifty.
Blog #13: ‘Foliage and Favours in Beetroot Fields’
British Sea Power – a wonderful gig, with everything you would expect (from BSP) and more... one of the best gigs of the fifty!
Blog #13: ‘Foliage and Favours in Beetroot Fields’
British Sea Power – a wonderful gig, with everything you would expect (from BSP) and more... one of the best gigs of the fifty!
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He's behind you! - British Sea Power @ The Roundhouse - 13/6/15 |
Blog #14: ‘Filling the Dance Floor with Songs for an Empty Room’
Feeling old because I knew people were thinking I was the father of one of the support band!
Blog #14: ‘Filling the Dance Floor with Songs for an Empty Room’
Feeling old because I knew people were thinking I was the father of one of the support band!
Blog #15: ‘The Nursing Homes of North London are Empty Tonight’
Feeling young at a gig again!
Blog #15: ‘The Nursing Homes of North London are Empty Tonight’
Feeling young at a gig again!
Blog #19: 'A View from Outside the Club’
Every visit to the wonderfully intimate Green Note.
Blog #19: 'A View from Outside the Club’
Every visit to the wonderfully intimate Green Note.
Blog #19: 'A View from Outside the Club’
Never getting a seat at the wonderfully intimate Green Note!
Blog #19: 'A View from Outside the Club’
Never getting a seat at the wonderfully intimate Green Note!
Blog #19: 'A View from Outside the Club’
William Nein’s Ego.
Blog #19: 'A View from Outside the Club’
William Nein’s Ego.
Blog #21: 'The Afterglow of Greatness’
Richard Thompson playing 1952 Vincent Black Lightening (I love that song).
Blog #21: 'The Afterglow of Greatness’
Richard Thompson playing 1952 Vincent Black Lightening (I love that song).
Blog #22: ‘Sustained Class’
Every visit to the wonderfully intimate Green Note.
Blog #22: ‘Sustained Class’
Every visit to the wonderfully intimate Green Note.
Blog #22: ‘Sustained Class’
Asking Danny Schmidt to play Stained Glass before the first set, him playing it during the first set and then chatting with him about the song after the first set! The whole gig one of the best gigs of the fifty!
Blog #22: ‘Sustained Class’
Asking Danny Schmidt to play Stained Glass before the first set, him playing it during the first set and then chatting with him about the song after the first set! The whole gig one of the best gigs of the fifty!
Blog #22: ‘Sustained Class’
Never getting a seat at the wonderfully intimate Green Note!
Blog #22: ‘Sustained Class’
Never getting a seat at the wonderfully intimate Green Note!
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The troubadour - Danny Schmidt @ The Green Note - 1/10/15 |
Blog #23: ‘Keep My Seat Warm – I’m on My Way’
Getting to the venue late and not being allowed in until the song had finished – they’ll be serving ice-cream at the interval next (oh they did!).
Blog #23: ‘Keep My Seat Warm – I’m on My Way’
Getting to the venue late and not being allowed in until the song had finished – they’ll be serving ice-cream at the interval next (oh they did!).
Blog #25: ‘Nativity Plays and Nervous Parents’
Rae Morris from The Kenlis Arms, Garstang Unplugged Singers Night to the Shepherd’s Bush Empire – a special moment to experience having seen her so early on in her career and tonight headlining at the Shepherd's Bush Empire.
Blog #25: ‘Nativity Plays and Nervous Parents’
Rae Morris from The Kenlis Arms, Garstang Unplugged Singers Night to the Shepherd’s Bush Empire – a special moment to experience having seen her so early on in her career and tonight headlining at the Shepherd's Bush Empire.
Blog #27: ‘The Problem with an Unbeatable Superlative’
Being told off for talking by Jon Gomm (like a Headmaster in Assembly)– when we were just trying to put together the pieces of the phone that had dropped from the balcony and reunite them with their owner!
Blog #27: ‘The Problem with an Unbeatable Superlative’
Being told off for talking by Jon Gomm (like a Headmaster in Assembly)– when we were just trying to put together the pieces of the phone that had dropped from the balcony and reunite them with their owner!
Blog #27: ‘The Problem with an Unbeatable Superlative’
Getting beer dripped on my head while the person in the balcony, whose phone we rescued, applauded! (every time – didn’t matter how much I shuffled sideways or backwards!).
Blog #27: ‘The Problem with an Unbeatable Superlative’
Getting beer dripped on my head while the person in the balcony, whose phone we rescued, applauded! (every time – didn’t matter how much I shuffled sideways or backwards!).
Blog #29: ‘Need a New Guitar, John?’
Audience members who declare in the opening bars of a song that they ‘love this one’ and then talk loudly through the whole song!
Blog #29: ‘Need a New Guitar, John?’
Audience members who declare in the opening bars of a song that they ‘love this one’ and then talk loudly through the whole song!
Blog #30: 'Sex and a Bit of Protest Thrown In’
Just love False Lights and they didn’t disappoint live!
Blog #30: 'Sex and a Bit of Protest Thrown In’
Just love False Lights and they didn’t disappoint live!
Blog #31: ‘How I Long for a Leader Who is Like A Jewel’
Blog #31: ‘How I Long for a Leader Who is Like A Jewel’
The comment posted about my opinion that the support act was not up to opening a show at the Hammersmith Apollo!
Blog #31: ‘How I Long for a Leader Who is Like A Jewel’
The comment posted about my opinion that the support act was not up to opening a show at the Hammersmith Apollo!
Blog #32: ‘Alabama Safe’
So disappointed in how safe Alabama Shakes played this gig – I was so looking forward to the show!
Blog #32: ‘Alabama Safe’
So disappointed in how safe Alabama Shakes played this gig – I was so looking forward to the show!
Blog #34: ‘May You Build a Ladder to the Stars’
Every visit to the wonderfully intimate Green Note.
Blog #34: ‘May You Build a Ladder to the Stars’
Every visit to the wonderfully intimate Green Note.
Blog #34: ‘May You Build a Ladder to the Stars’
Never getting a seat at the wonderfully intimate Green Note!
Blog #34: ‘May You Build a Ladder to the Stars’
Never getting a seat at the wonderfully intimate Green Note!
Blog #36: ‘I Didn’t Realise the Middle Classes Still Owned Family Pews – My Mistake!’
Finding my bag and coat unceremoniously dumped on the floor after I went for a drink during the interval - it is not easy being a solo gig goer at the best of times - but it doesn't mean I have no mates and can be treated like rubbish...
Blog #36: ‘I Didn’t Realise the Middle Classes Still Owned Family Pews – My Mistake!’
Finding my bag and coat unceremoniously dumped on the floor after I went for a drink during the interval - it is not easy being a solo gig goer at the best of times - but it doesn't mean I have no mates and can be treated like rubbish...
Blog #37: ‘Should I Stay or Should I Go (Go!)’
Wonderful multi-media gig - Public Service Broadcasting - one of the best gigs of the fifty!
Blog #37: ‘Should I Stay or Should I Go (Go!)’
Wonderful multi-media gig - Public Service Broadcasting - one of the best gigs of the fifty!
Blog #38:‘Leaning on a Lampost with a Slight Sexist Nod to Bygone Days’
Every visit to the wonderfully intimate Green Note.
Blog #38:‘Leaning on a Lampost with a Slight Sexist Nod to Bygone Days’
Every visit to the wonderfully intimate Green Note.
Blog #38:‘Leaning on a Lampost with a Slight Sexist Nod to Bygone Days’
Never getting a seat at the wonderfully intimate Green Note!
Blog #38:‘Leaning on a Lampost with a Slight Sexist Nod to Bygone Days’
Never getting a seat at the wonderfully intimate Green Note!
Blog #40: ‘Bellows, Books, Lamps and Dolls’
No Sound Engineer for a gig - if you are going to run a venue you need some basics!
Blog #40: ‘Bellows, Books, Lamps and Dolls’
No Sound Engineer for a gig - if you are going to run a venue you need some basics!
Blog #42: ‘One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer – One Music?’
White people trying to dance to African music!
Blog #42: ‘One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer – One Music?’
White people trying to dance to African music!
Blog #47: ‘It is finished!’
The personal and lovely happy birthday from Gwyneth Herbert!
Concert: 50 of 50
Date of Gig: Thurs. 3rd March 2016
Royal Albert Hall
Gwyneth Herbert
Total number of artists seen 101
Blog #47: ‘It is finished!’
The personal and lovely happy birthday from Gwyneth Herbert!
Concert: 50 of 50
Date of Gig: Thurs. 3rd March 2016
Royal Albert Hall
Gwyneth Herbert
Total number of artists seen 101
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