It is a football cliché, when the manager in the post-match interview says ‘I couldn’t have asked for more. The lads gave 110%’. We know what he is trying to say, but the
simple truth is you can’t give more than 100%!
In our world of constant communication, we
have a problem. We seem to have used up our language! More accurately perhaps,
we have used up the number of superlatives we have at our fingertips. I have a
lot of sympathy for the world, as I am finding it hard to keep describing the
experiences that I am having at these gigs without falling back on the same
old, tired words. It’s not that this generation is better, more creative, or
more expert than any other and therefore, more deserving of the superlatives.
It’s simply that we have so many ways to communicate in our social media
generation that words are overused more quickly.
As well as that, we also seem to be on a constant quest to have to find the ultimate performer in their field. No longer are we happy with a good performer, they have to be greatest. No longer are we content to see the second or third best, we have to see the best and tell the world in overused superlatives that we have!
As well as that, we also seem to be on a constant quest to have to find the ultimate performer in their field. No longer are we happy with a good performer, they have to be greatest. No longer are we content to see the second or third best, we have to see the best and tell the world in overused superlatives that we have!
So to expand our language we have inverted the
meaning of words to cunningly invent a whole new set of positive adjectives.
Bad started to mean good, sick started mean ‘well good init’, wicked started to
mean well you get the picture… And somewhere in amongst all this inverting to
reinvent language the term ‘shit hot’ was coined.
As Jon Gomm takes to the sage at the Jazz Café in Camden he thanks the support act Matt Stevens and informed us that he is a ‘shit hot’ musician. I am certain that Gomm wasn’t listening to Stevens’ set, because if he had been he wouldn’t have described him as ‘shit hot’. His set, relying so heavily on his loop pedal, was beset with tuning and timing issues. I had been looking forward to hearing Matt Stevens. As the man who inspired Malt‘n’Music (see other blogs for an explanation of Malt‘n’Music) he has taken on the status of a legend within a certain circle of my friends. There we go again, falling into the superlative trap – he’s not really a legend, more infamous! I’m sure it just wasn’t Stevens’ night. He is a great musician but tonight it just wasn’t happening for him.
To give Stevens’ his due he was fun, and
carried on trying to entertain despite the setbacks and broken strings.
The crowd did respond, but he's wasn't
‘shit hot’. At best his set could be described as ‘luke warm shit’ and that is
a horrible thought, as well as being far from a superlative!
Quite literally he demands that we listen...
Jon Gomm on the other hand is so good he was
shit burnt to a frazzle! No loop pedal, all the sounds and rhythms made on each
beat, hammer on, pull off, stretch, strum, pick, bend and retune! If you have never seen Jon
Gomm then check out Youtube and watch in awe as you see a true master of guitar
playing. He is the sort of guitarist that makes me want to give up and perhaps
that the ultimate ‘superlative’ to give him. He makes me recognise that the sound I
get out of my guitar is only a fraction of what is possible!
He is the sort of artist that demands that the audience listen to him. Quite literally he demands that we listen. Tonight, as on other nights, I see him tell off a section of the audience who are talking during his songs. It takes me back to being disciplined in the Headmaster's Office at school as I am stood in the section that he singles out for the reprimand. What he couldn’t know is that we are under attack! In the space of a couple of songs two mobiles come crashing from the balcony as people are straining to get their camera closer to the stage and capture the action. ‘Honest Sir! We are only helping people find their SIM cards and batteries that have explored over the floor!’

He is the sort of artist that demands that the audience listen to him. Quite literally he demands that we listen. Tonight, as on other nights, I see him tell off a section of the audience who are talking during his songs. It takes me back to being disciplined in the Headmaster's Office at school as I am stood in the section that he singles out for the reprimand. What he couldn’t know is that we are under attack! In the space of a couple of songs two mobiles come crashing from the balcony as people are straining to get their camera closer to the stage and capture the action. ‘Honest Sir! We are only helping people find their SIM cards and batteries that have explored over the floor!’
The rant has the desired effect as everyone
maintains a respectful silence as he plays the rest of the set. We remain
silent even as he tunes between each song. One heckler during his incessant
tuning inquires as to which tuning he uses. He responds quickly, pointing out
that he uses different tuning for each song and then added a little advice, ‘if
there are any guitarists out there’ (as if the venue isn’t full of us) ‘a word
of advice - don't use different tuning – it’s too much hassle!’
Even as a drink spills over the balcony onto my head...
The easy banter this evening is totally
different from the last time I saw him when he seemed far more on
edge. As he chats to the audience tonight he talks openly and honestly about
being bi-polar. The respect for him as an artist has been palpable at every Jon Gomm gig
I have been to as people recognize he is a rare talent. Tonight there is an
extra sense of this admiration as people become more aware of the whole person
behind the songs. Not that they are always the easiest songs to listen too, but
they are always amazing to behold performed live.
As is becoming common at gigs now-a-days he finishes with a totally acoustic song: Gloria. It is hard to hear in this size of venue, but as one the audience strains to hear the woeful tale of first love across teenage cultures. Not one of us dare risk the wrath of the headmaster and talk! Even as a drink spills over the balcony onto my head I simply silently sidestep the drips and continue to enjoy his closing song.
Adverts for companies like Stub Hub show
images of gigs which are meant to evoke the impression of having the time of
our lives. The once in the lifetime gig. The image that defines our gig going
forever. It might be to state the bleedin’ obvious, but there is only one ‘once
in a lifetime’ gig – the clue is in the description! It is the same problem as
the overuse of the superlative – we are sold the fallacy that our next gig will
be the best; it will be that once in a lifetime gig. Until, of course, the next
one. Don’t get me wrong I don’t want to pay to see rubbish but not every gig is
going to be the one. That doesn’t mean however that a gig that falls short of
the greatest gig of my life could not still be a wonderful experience.
So was this the best gig I've ever been too?
Was this the best Jon Gomm gig I've ever seen? I’m not even going to answer
those questions!
He didn’t give 110%...
No, it doesn't compare with first time I saw
him for the sheer amazement of not quite believing what I was seeing or
hearing. It was not as intimate as the gig in the cellar of the Dry Bar in
Manchester (or was it Night and Day?) with nine other people. However, the venue is far better than the last place I saw him, and he himself is in a far
better place than the last time I saw him.
The simple truth is that it is a great gig.
He is a shit hot musician, and I leave having experienced a supreme talent. No,
he didn’t give 110%, but he gave us his all, and quite rightly, many superlatives
will be used to describe him.
So I leave on a high and on the journey home
resolve once again to sell my guitars…
Gig: 30 of 50
Date of Gigs: Wed. 21st October 2015
The Jazz Cafe, Camden
Matt Stevens
Gig: 30 of 50
Date of Gigs: Wed. 21st October 2015
The Jazz Cafe, Camden
Matt Stevens
Jon Gomm
Running total of artists seen 64
Running total of artists seen 64
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