Friday, 27 March 2015

The Boys are Back in Time

Outgrown by the beer-belly everyone
Where has all the denim gone, long time a fading
Where has all the denim gone, long time ago
Where has all the denim gone?
Thrown out for a warm North Face everyone.
Oh, were they really every Lizzy?
Oh, were they really every Lizzy?

Where are all the tour tee-shirts, long time a fitting
Where are all the tour tee-shirts, long time ago
Where are all the tour tee-shirts?
Outgrown by the beer-belly everyone.
Oh, were they really every Lizzy?
Oh, were they really every Lizzy?

Where are all the cowboy boots, long time....
…you get the idea - this gig is taking me, and several hundred 40/50 somethings, back to the golden age of gigs!

The Boys are Back in Time
As I walk in late - thanks to work commitments - it hits me - this is an old-time gig! (listen to me 'Old-Time' anyone would think I was 50 next year!!!!) It's the wall of sound, it's the back line of guitar amp stacks, it's the long hair of the band, it's the sharing of the mic for the chorus, it's the singer, bassist, two lead guitarists standing in a line during the solo, it's the Roadies running on stage to fix problems, it's the musicians actually looking like they are enjoying the gig...

... and it's queuing for the men's toilet!!!!

It's 32 years since I last saw Scot Gorham play - it was Thin Lizzy's last UK festival gig at Reading Rock '83 - my lasting memory of that gig was the girl by my side on her boyfriend's shoulders crying as they played 'Still in Love with You'

This is not Thin Lizzy - but its Black Star Riders - why am I here? I heard a track on the radio about a year ago and thought - that's a Thin Lizzy song I don't know - it turns out to be 'Bound for Glory' by Black Star Riders and I was intrigued so I bought the album! Is the album a guilty pleasure? Am I just trying to recapture youth? Why am I here?

Live and captured forever - here's the link to my youtube channel....
What can I say I enjoyed an album that reminded me of my youth - how often did I put 'Live and Dangerous' on my turntable (anyone under the age of 40 - here is a definition of Record Player... So I wanted to see these guys live and I enjoyed their set - despite the trouble Scot Gorham was having with his amp - it was an old fashioned gig that took me back to the Manchester Apollo and my teenage years - it was good to be there and saviour the moment!

But what of the guy in front of me - camera in hand and watching the whole set through a lens. When I first starting going to gigs - you would never have been able to smuggle a camera in, although I did know one guy who used to hide his SLR camera and telephoto lens (yes kids there was a day when you couldn't talk to your mates on your camera!) in his great grey trench coat and shot some great live pictures! But now we walk in to any gig with our phones - and you can't capture that one moment, that moment to brag to your friends 'I was there - look aren't I special' - without getting everyone else’s camera in your picture (oh the glorious irony!!!)

I tap him on the shoulder and say 'Just watch the gig and enjoy' - his response? 'Hey man don't give me camera shake'

Post-Modernism - It's so last Year
TIP: Enjoy the gig, enjoy the moment don't be scared you'll miss the perfect photo - some of my best memories are images burnt into my mind of great lights shows (Steve Hackett circa 1980 starting his show with the Land of a Thousand Autumns & Please Don't Touch - Dry Ice and a couple of coloured lights!) wonderful gigs (John Paul Jones joining Seasick Steve on stage for a brilliant gig) and just unbelievable moments (hearing Gary Moore in 1980 playing Parisienne Walkways [how long did he hold that note] as support for Whitesnake) - no photos, no video just great memories.

But the mixture of being slaves to post-modernism (searching for the next moment) and technology junkies is that we don't just move from one high to another we try to capture it - and what a glorious new irony is this - we miss the moment - but capture that failure for all eternity!

A concert is 3D (pictures and videos by definition are 2D) the dimensions of a gig are more than just sound and vision (sing with me... blue blue electric blue) - a gig is an event - a crowd gather - mainly strangers - they come together to share the event. Showing a fantastic photo to friends or complete strangers who may stumble across your blog is not the same as the corporate gathering where you share all the nuances of live music with one another.
No the Black Star Riders set wont be up among the great gigs I rave about - but I don't need a set of pictures to remember it - or a video to prove I was there - I just enjoyed it for what it was... 

So I queue for the toilet and ponder should I stay...

I'm not an Eurosceptic - I don't buy all this Europe is source of all our problems - I want to be part of a wider groups of countries with different cultures - but when it comes to music I am.

The downside to this gig is that Black Star Riders are on tour with Europe. I'm tempted to go home - but any true football fan knows - you never leave before the end - however to my cost I discovered this should only be applied to music when Europe are not playing!

The seat in front of me is empty – Post-Modern Gadget Man has obviously gone home to edit his video – and enjoy the Black Star Riders gig in glorious 2D solidarity of his own bedroom!

He's made the right decision - for all the wrong reasons

Definition of Europe:  Middle aged posers going through the motions.

Caricature of non Eurosceptic : The one who was looking up who the hell Black Star Riders are on Wikipedia during their set.

Description of their set:
The countdown to the final song - thank God that's finished - now where's the bus stop...

Let the Kids have their say….
Their lead singer who spent the whole of the first two songs posing for the cameras with his IKEA Mic Stand without relating to the audience at all - confessed, when the photographers had gone and he could be bothered to talk to the audience, that his 7 year old son saw them on this tour and commented to his dad - embarrassing moves - out of the mouths of babes....

At last it was over and I've never been so glad to get out of a venue..... 

Ah 4G now lets see if I can find the youtube channel of Post-Modern Gadget Man…..

Gig: 2 of 50
Date of Gig: Sat 21st March 2015

Shepherd Bush Empire

Black Star Riders

Running total of artists seen 4

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